Saturday, April 29, 2017


   The beauty of the rising sun is one of my favorite things! And though a digital picture can never truly capture the full glory of the morning sky... I still often find myself grabbing for the camera in hopes that today will be different, that today the mirrored image will somehow be able to reflect the real-life beauty dawning before me! And so my camera card fills up with sunrises... May the splendor of these pictures brighten your day! 
   One morning a few winters back, I purposely woke before the sun was up and went snow-shoeing out onto the snow laden field and just waited for the sun to rise... Eyes on the horizon...the moment I saw the first gleam of the sun, is burned into my mind as one of the most breathtaking moments of beauty I have ever beheld! 

Do you have a favorite... sunrises or sunsets? I have always been partial to sunrises!   
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same  
the LORD’S name is to be praised. ~Psalms 113:3

Monday, April 10, 2017

End Table Makeover

   About a month ago, I spotted this end table at the thrift store. It was love at first sight! 😉 ...Sturdy, the style I like and only 10 dollars! All it needed was a little TLC! So I bought it! And after sanding, priming, painting, staining and varnishing it... I have a "new" and improved (and if i can say so myself... beautiful!) end table!