Monday, October 31, 2016

Road Trip 2016!

   In September we took a road trip. Though traveling is not one of  this home-loving, country girls favorite things to do, I did enjoy some things along the way! 

It was fun to see parts of the U.S. that I had never seen before, including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky! I think driving & seeing new country was what I enjoyed most on our trip! 
Below is a picture of the Mississippi River.

We visited The Ark Encounter. A life-size replica of Noah's ark! Wow, was that boat big! It really brought the Bible to life!

A panoramic view, inside the Ark.

 Sister with the Bear Kind!

We also visited the Creation Museum!

The displays of animals, plants and people at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum were amazingly real-looking. What really struck me at both places, was the importance of having a Biblical worldview. The way we look at the world affects every area of our lives. And if we aren't starting with the Word of God (Truth) we have nothing to stand on. If we want to make a difference in our world, we ourselves MUST be rooted and grounded in the Word! And then be passionate about sharing the Word with the world! That is the only way we can make a lasting impact, both now and into eternity!

Part of our travels took us through Saint Louis MO. As we entered the city and neared the Arch, colorful hot-air balloons were overhead!

Then we went back to the prairie. 

Because there is no place like HOME!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Bright & Beautiful

   While I contemplate future post ideas... I thought I would share a few pictures of God's beautiful creation here on the farm! Reminders of His goodness! I love the bright & brilliant colors in them! Aren't you glad God created a colorful world?!


 Psalm 19:1  
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the
 firmament sheweth his handywork.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Riches of His Goodness

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? 
Romans 2:4 

   The title of this blog is a reflection of where I find myself ... needing, desperately needing to know the goodness of God. In the real and raw, ebb and flow of my everyday life. God is good! Yet so often I choose to see the bad things of this world, instead of His goodness. This blogging journey is about decidedly believing, seeing & proclaiming the goodness of God! What is at the core of God's goodness? Repentance unto salvation! And if that is all the goodness of God that I ever hold, what an extravagant gift! May I never despise it!  But the amazing thing is, He has given me more of His goodness than my two hands can hold! So join me if you will, as I blog The Riches of His Goodness!

Like breathtaking sunrises...