Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Riches of His Goodness

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? 
Romans 2:4 

   The title of this blog is a reflection of where I find myself ... needing, desperately needing to know the goodness of God. In the real and raw, ebb and flow of my everyday life. God is good! Yet so often I choose to see the bad things of this world, instead of His goodness. This blogging journey is about decidedly believing, seeing & proclaiming the goodness of God! What is at the core of God's goodness? Repentance unto salvation! And if that is all the goodness of God that I ever hold, what an extravagant gift! May I never despise it!  But the amazing thing is, He has given me more of His goodness than my two hands can hold! So join me if you will, as I blog The Riches of His Goodness!

Like breathtaking sunrises... 


  1. YAY! I was waiting for you to start a blog someday. It's so you!

    1. Really? You should have told me to start one sooner! :) Glad you are excited & I hope you will enjoy reading here... that is if i ever get around to posting! lol!

  2. I'll be visiting your blog Noelle!

    1. So glad to have you! I hope you will be blessed each time you stop by!


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