Monday, November 14, 2016

An Almost Super Moon

   Sunday the night sky held a "supermoon". (Don't know what a Supermoon is? Go to to find out!) My photographer Grandpa insisted I get out and capture it. Though I wasn't able to get a good one Sunday night. The moon was almost as super on Monday night and I was able to get some good moonshots! Here is one of them.

   It's hard to believe it's already the middle of November!  Especially since the weather has been so unusually warm! (which I am wholeheartedly enjoying!) 😊 So you see, blogging just isn't as delightful as being out in God's BEAUTIFUL creation! Snow is in the forecast for Thursday... Which will be just as Lovely. The first snow of the season always is! And when those cooler snow-flurry days come, I have a feeling the indoors will be more alluring and then maybe I will start real blogging... you know... deep thoughts, topical series... or maybe not! This is all really an experiment... To see if blogging is for me.  Hum... time will tell! 

          Before the snow flies... here are more autumn pictures...


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