Thursday, January 19, 2017

Pinwheel Quilt

   It's January, the perfect time of year to finish long neglected sewing projects...  Like this pink pinwheel quilt! Today was the day that I finally completed it!

   I am what you might call a practical, resourceful & frugal craftswoman. My creativity mixed with practicality hearkens more back to the days when woman sewed clothes for their families, knit mittens & scarves and pieced together crazy quilts to save money and not as a hobby. They used what they had. It maybe wasn't the best or nicest, but it kept the budget balanced, the family clothed and the house homey! Yeah that's me, I love being creative, but I am practical too... 

   Now quilting can be expensive... But it doesn't have to be!  I spent under $4 on this quilt! And my first quilt (pictured above with the pinwheel quilt) cost me nothing, besides my time! How? Rummage sales, thrift stores, and free boxes, plus a creative imagination and VOILA, quilt on the cheap! 😉 The white fabric with light pink flowers on it used to be a blouse. (From a free box!)  The only material I had to purchase was the border. Which I bought after I had the rest of the quilt together, so I am very pleased with how well it matches the other fabrics! I decided to tie it, instead of quilt it. (I quilted my 1st one.) I do love the quilted look more I think, but tying was so fast and easy! 

    Both these quilts are "baby size", mostly because making a bigger quilt has sounded daunting to me in the past! But now that I have completed these, I am feeling more confident of someday starting a larger one! We will see.

   Since these quilts are baby-size  I will be tucking them away in my hope chest for, Lord willing, my own babies someday!  And, yes, I very intentionally made a blue one and a pink one!😊


  1. Ah yes, we share a creative and frugal soul! Your crafts-woman-ship is beautiful, thanks for sharing the details!

    1. Thanks Aunt Beth! It is always fun talking to you about creative ideas, since we share that same passion and flair! :) Love you!

  2. Well done! I am glad you saw the thrifty way to do it. I like quilting, but don't do it right now.
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Thanks Laura! If you do start quilting again, do share your work on your blog! I would love to see a Harvest Lane Cottage quilt someday! :)

  3. I really like the patterns and the colors that you chose to use. Your quilts turned out very beautiful. :)


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